pinterest for woocommerce

Pinterest for WooCommerce: How to Use Pinterest to Drive Traffic to Your Online Store

Pinterest is a powerful platform with over 320 million monthly active users. And while it’s mostly known as a place to find inspiration for your home décor or next vacation, Pinterest for WooCommerce is also a great tool for small businesses looking to drive traffic to their online store.

If you’re a small business owner with an online store powered by WooCommerce, then you need to be on Pinterest. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to use Pinterest to drive traffic to your WooCommerce store and boost your sales.

Why You Should Use Pinterest for Your WooCommerce Store

There are plenty of social media platforms out there, so you might be wondering why you should use Pinterest for your WooCommerce business. Here’s why:

Pinterest is Visually-Oriented

As a visual platform, Pinterest is perfect for businesses that sell products that are visually appealing, such as clothes, jewelry, home décor, etc. In fact, according to Curalate, 90% of customers say that visuals are the #1 influencing factor in their purchasing decisions.

Pinterest Has High Engagement Rates

The average engagement rate on Pinterest is higher than on any other social media platform—5.59% compared to Facebook’s 0.22%. This means that people who see your pins are more likely to engage with them (by liking, sharing, or commenting) than people who see your posts on other social media platforms.

People Use Pinterest When They’re Ready to Buy

According to Ahalogy, 4 in 10 Pinners have made a purchase after seeing a Promoted Pin, and 2 in 3 users say they’ve purchased something because of recommendations from brands on Pinterest. This shows that people who use Pinterest are more likely than people on other social media platforms to make purchases based on the content they see from brands.

How to Use Pinterest to Drive Traffic to Your WooCommerce Store

Now that we’ve gone over some of the reasons why you should use Pinterest for your WooCommerce business, let’s take a look at how you can use Pinterest to drive traffic back to your store.

1. Create Pins That Link Back To Your Products

One of the best ways to use Pinterest for your WooCommerce business is by creating pins that link back to your products. This way, when someone clicks on one of your pins, they’ll be taken directly to the product page on your website where they can learn more about the product and make a purchase.

2. Use High-Quality Images

Another important tip for using Pinterest for your WooCommerce business is to make sure you’re using high-quality images in your pins. Since pins with beautiful images tend to perform better than those without, it’s important that you invest in professional photos of your products so that your pins stand out from the rest.

3. Utilize Keywords throughout Your Pins

Just like with any other form of marketing or SEO strategy, utilizing keywords throughout your pins is important if you want them to be seen by potential customers. Try including relevant keywords in both the titles and descriptions of your pins so that they show up when people are searching for products like yours on Pinterest.


If you’re looking for a way to drive traffic back to your online store and boost sales, then utilizing Pinterest as part of your marketing strategy is a great option. By following the tips above, you can create pins that link back to your products, use high-quality images in your pins, and utilize keywords throughout your pin descriptions so that potential customers can easily find and purchase the products they’re interested in from your WooCommerce store.

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